Overview: Bariatric Surgery

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Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a set of procedures performed on individuals who are severely obese. These surgeries are typically considered when other weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, have not been successful, and obesity poses significant health risks.

Bariatric surgery is considered a major medical intervention and is typically recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35-39.9 with obesity-related health conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension. Candidates for surgery undergo a thorough evaluation by a healthcare team, including a surgeon, dietitian, and psychologist, to assess physical and psychological readiness.

While bariatric surgery can result in significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related conditions, it is not without risks and complications. Patients need to commit to long-term lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and regular exercise, to achieve and maintain success after surgery.

It’s essential for individuals considering bariatric surgery to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable procedure based on their specific health conditions and goals.

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Bariatric Surgery


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